Monday, September 19, 2011

I feel "normal" at Disney

My yearly Christmas gift, from family, is a Floridian Disney World year park pass.  Disney has a discount for Florida residents and this helps my family give me this beautiful gift.  Thank you sweet and loving family.

It is a "magical" (kind, accessible, helpful people) place for Molly (service dog) and I to go and just relax/enjoy time.  It is a place where I do not feel disabled because of the employee's (called "cast members") attitudes toward every guest.  If you have never been to Disney World, please consider placeing it on your bucket list.

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!  Thank you Disney cast members for your magical moments of kind treatment.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Respect, like, then love.

I am not from a family who practices or believes in "arranged marriages" BUT the passion of the parents for their son/daughter (reasoning) intrigues me.  Briefly, from what I understand, its not all about money and status.  It is also about respect for each other.  I read that "they" believe that two people must respect each other first.  Living for each other, not just me me me.  After the couple learns respect (a kind of caring), then "like" can happen.  Only after respect and like, can love evolve.

I use this idea when I am experiencing a struggle (adapting to changes due to disability):  Recently, I was blessed with a new motorized wheelchair.  My older one was not dead yet but needed to retire soon, before it might give up and leave me at the curb  :(

Due to needed modifications, my chair seat is too high from the floor.  I have difficulties getting in and out safely.  I am only 5 foot tall and my legs are just not long enough, for the new chair.

I had to find a way in which to psychologically approach this wonderful gift (new chair), as I work toward solutions.  So I used the "arranged marriage (the chair was arranged for me)," idea to make this work.

RESPECT:  I looked at the chair with respect.  I am grateful for the wheels that allow me to have independence.  They are my legs.

LIKE:  I looked for everything that I liked about the chair.  Number one is that it is in excellent working order and very comfortable....  many good qualities.

LOVE:  After finding solutions (raising my tables, bed, etc etc) and useing the ideas that create a working relationship with the chair, I now loveeeeeeeeeee this chair.

For me, it started with gratitude (respect/appreciation) for what I have been blessed.  Knowing that, with a positive/respectful attitude, God would show me solutions.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Humanity continued

HOME CARE:  A few years ago, I was allowed only five hours of home care weekly, paid by government support.  Those five hours were needed for showers, preparation of food (due to teeth problems, I need everything cut small), dishes, laundry (laundry mat), house cleaning, dressing, undressing, grocery shopping, opening mail, etc.  Yes, no able body person can do this for their own needs, in only five hours per week.

SURVIVAL:  The only way that I could cut corners and stay out of a nursing home was to use three hours (three days) for showers.  So, I received that glorious showers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday  mornings.  This also included clean clothing, brushing teeth, and hair washed.  The other hours had to be used for everything else.  A lot did not get completed.  I wore my clothing (including bra that created sores) that night, the next day and night, until the next shower.  OUCH!   I also smelled.

WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS (GIFTS) FROM GOD:   After a few years, I was granted a few more hours (still insufficient) from the state.  Then a group of wonderful people entered my life.  They went to my church (Discovery in Orlando).  They found it hard to believe that a disabled person would be so neglected, via the state so they wanted to help me. 

It was not a church project, it was their private project of love for a human being (me).  They worked to receive donations so that I could have an occasional hot meal, more showers and other needs that ALL humans need, to survive.  Their humanity saved my life and kept me out of a nursing home.  Thank you to Jesus for creating these wonderful human beings whom are now my friends.  More tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Humanity saved my life

I am differently able (in other words, disabled).  I prefer "differently able" because every human has differences that make us unique.  I use to be on a swim team, play the piano, twirl the baton, travel, teach etc.  I had a different life and different experiences, all gifts from God.  The gifts are different now and I embrace them with love and gratitude.

I would never have chosen disability as a path through life but I embrace these experiences.  WHY?  Because they have brought me closer to God and to understanding love and real joy (seeing humanity at its best).